Friday, September 22, 2006

Going down to three

On tonight's episode, Celebrity Duets, will go down to three contestants to compete next week in a taped performance that will air as a two-hour special on Thursday at 8pm.

Which two will get voted off? It's really hard to say. Jai and Alfonsio and definite locks and Lucy will probably make it into the last spot (unless America revotes or the Duets producers wise up and realize that people outside of the US are rigging the contest by calling votes from Europe and elsewhere).

On a side note, Lucy actually looked comfortable out there on Thursday and actually had a sang that was perfect for her range and actually sang the song. She also related more to the audience, which is something she's struggled with since day one.

Tune into tonight to catch more performances and see who is alive and who just died.

If you missed Thurday's performance for Lucy (or Jai who lit the stage on fire), go over to my website to download the clips.

Good luck to all the contestants. May be the *best performers* move on.

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